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Quick 'n Easy Turbo-Start Excel Macros
1. Your New Life Starts Here
Why Should I Learn Excel Macros?
Welcome on the Path!
2. Some Quick Wins
Your First Macro: Frequently-Repeated Text
Your Second Macro: Formatting Headings and Columns
Introducing the “Developer” Ribbon
Your Third Macro: Convert names to Proper Case
Recap: What Did We Learn in This Section?
That was Easy – Now What?
3. A Pitfall: Should I Record Absolute or Relative?
Recording Absolute
Recording Relative
What’s Inside? How Do Your Macros Work?
Hello, VBE! Meet the Visual Basic Editor
Improve Your Third Macro by Recording Relative
About Your Third Macro (Relative Version)
Where Are Your Other Macros?
Recap: What Did We Learn in This Section?
4. A Map: Finding Your Way Around the VB Editor
Ribbons, Buttons and Bows!
Highlights of the VB Editor Menu
Better Editor Options
Lowlights of the VB Editor Toolbars
OK, But What Use is It? VBE Exercise: Debugging Code
Recap: What Did We Learn in This Section?
5. Beyond Mere Recording – Basic Coding
Learning the Lingo: ¿Habla Visual Basic for Applications, Señorita?
But Excel Didn’t Record What I Did!
Basic Variables: Holding Values Temporarily
How to Get and Change the Contents of Cells
Handy Built-In Functions
How to use Conditions: “If” Statements
Building the Code
Looping the Loop: How to Repeat Code
Recap: What Did We Learn in This Section?
6. Resources and Wrap-Up
Here is Your Bonus!
Where Are We Now?
Help! I'm Stuck!
Now Continue Your Journey...
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